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10 Best SaaS Explainer Video Examples

Animation is key to simplifying complex SaaS products and capturing attention. This blog highlights 10 standout explainer videos, from Dropbox’s fun visuals to Discord’s playful approach, turning software into engaging stories that boost conversions. It also shares tips for creating effective videos that clearly communicate value and drive action.
Written by

Shariful Islam

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8 min


Video Marketing

Let's face it, grabbing someone's attention online is harder than ever. But here's the secret weapon: animation! Whether it’s a cool 3D world or a fun 2D character, animation can make your product stand out on social media, your website, or even the news.

Now, while you might be able to get away with just images for something like food or books when it comes to tech stuff like software, animation makes the noise. Explainer videos can turn confusing software into something anyone can understand.

We’ve put together a list of awesome SaaS explainer video examples. Let’s dive in.

What is SaaS Explainer Video Production?

So, you've got a cool software product, but explaining it to people can be like trying to describe a color to someone who's colorblind. That's where explainer videos come in! They're like little movies that can turn your complex software into something everyone can understand.

SaaS companies have a unique challenge. You can't just show off a physical product. But with a video, you can bring your software to life and show people exactly how it can solve their problems. It's like having a superpower for explaining your product!

Basically, explainer video production is about creating awesome videos that make your SaaS product look fantastic and easy to understand.

Why SaaS Explainer Videos Matters

  • Simplify complex concepts: Break down intricate software solutions into easy-to-understand visuals.
  • Showcase product features: Effectively highlight key benefits and functionalities.
  • Enhance customer engagement: Grab audiences with visually appealing content.
  • Increase conversion rates: Persuade potential customers to take action (e.g., sign up, purchase).
  • Build trust: Establish credibility and reliability through clear and informative explanations.
  • Educate users: Provide valuable insights and tutorials for optimal product usage.
  • Demonstrate value proposition: Clearly communicate the problem your SaaS solves and its unique solution.
  • Improve SEO: Increase website visibility through video content optimization.
  • Boost social media engagement: Shareable videos expand reach and attract new audiences.
  • Differentiate from competitors: Stand out in a crowded market with compelling storytelling.

We’ve picked some of the best examples of SaaS explainer videos out there. We'll break down what makes them great and give you some tips on how to create your own awesome video.

1. Dropbox: A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

Dropbox nailed it with their explainer video. It's like they took a complex idea and turned it into a simple, fun cartoon. This 2D animated content is just one minute long, but you get the hang of Dropbox in no time. They ditched all the boring text and just let the pictures tell the story. It's like watching a silent movie, but way cooler.

The video is smooth, and the colors pop. It's like they pulled the Dropbox look and feel straight off their website. You know right away it's a Dropbox video, no mistaking it for something else. They really know how to make a strong first impression.

What's impressive is how they managed to convey such a clear message without using a single word. It's a testament to the power of visual storytelling. The video is so engaging that you can't help but pay attention. And by the end, you're nodding your head, thinking, "Wow, that's actually pretty clever." It's a perfect example of how to use animation to simplify a complex product and make it instantly appealing.

2. Asana: Keep It Simple

If you're on a tight budget for your explainer video, don't sweat it. Sometimes, less is more. Take a look at Asana's simple, effective approach. They just show you the software in action, with no fancy animations or distractions. It's like a guided tour of their product.

A friendly voiceover walks you through the main features, explaining how they can help you. It's clear, concise, and gets straight to the point. This kind of video is perfect for giving people a quick overview of your product without breaking the bank. It's a great way to introduce your software to a wider audience and generate interest.

Once you've hooked people in with a simple explainer like this, you can dive deeper into something more elaborate. Check out Asana's longer video, "Where there's Asana, there's a way." It's a bit more complex, but it gives you a deeper dive into the product's benefits. This shows that you can start small and build on your video content as your budget allows.

Remember, the goal of an explainer video is to make your product easy to understand. Sometimes, the simplest approach is the most effective.

3. Adobe Marketing Cloud: Hollywood Meets Software

Adobe's old marketing cloud videos are like mini-movies. They're not just explaining software; they're telling a captivating story. Watch those Ads- they've got this amazing ability to make complex tech stuff feel like a Hollywood blockbuster. It's like they've taken the biggest challenges marketers face and turned them into a gripping drama.

These videos are perfect for grabbing people's attention right at the start of their buying journey. They're not just selling software; they're selling a dream. It's like they've got a magic formula for turning boring business stuff into something people actually want to watch.

What sets these videos apart is their ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level. They understand the pain points of marketers and present their product as the ultimate solution. It's a brilliant blend of entertainment and education.

Creating videos like this isn't easy. You need a team of geniuses - writers, directors, actors, the whole lot. And it takes time and money. But look at these videos. They're still amazing, even though they're years old. That's the real test of a great video - it stands the test of time. They've become iconic in the marketing world, demonstrating the power of storytelling in the realm of SaaS.

4. RingCentral: A Video That Rocks

RingCentral's video uses these really lifelike images and animations to show off their product in the coolest way. It's like you're right there, using the software yourself.

But it's not just about looking good. The video tells a story about how the software can help you. It's like they're talking directly to you, saying, "Hey, this thing can make your life easier!" That's what makes it really special.

And guess what? They could've gone even crazier with interactive stuff. Imagine clicking on parts of the video to learn more or take a little quiz. That would be awesome! RingCentral's video is a great starting point for other companies to create amazing explainer videos.

5. Uber Eats: The Power of a Good Voiceover

A great voiceover can be the secret ingredient to a killer explainer video. Take Uber Eats, for example. Their friendly voiceover guy makes the whole ordering process feel like a breeze. It's like having a buddy guide you through the app.

But don't just slap any old voice on your video. You need to plan it out carefully. What do you want to say? How do you want to say it? Your script should be like a roadmap, guiding your audience through the benefits of your product. It's not just about listing features; it's about telling a story that resonates with people.

So, next time you're making a video, give serious thought to your voiceover. A good one can make all the difference in the world. Remember, people connect with people, and a friendly voice can help build that connection.

6. Microsoft Office App: A Ballsy Move

Microsoft really knocked it out of the park with their video. The way they use shapes and colors makes the whole thing feel smooth and fun. It's like watching a well-choreographed dance where every element has a purpose.

And check out that little ball! It's like a tiny, energetic tour guide jumping from app to app. It's a clever way to show how things work without actually showing someone's finger. Plus, it adds a playful touch to the whole video. It's almost like a mascot for the video, guiding you through the app's features.

It's a perfect example of how a little creativity can transform something ordinary into something extraordinary. Microsoft didn't just make a video; they created a little piece of art that also happens to explain their product. That's the kind of video that sticks in your mind and makes you want to learn more about the product.

7. Adobe Marketing Cloud: Hollywood Blockbusters for Business

Adobe's old marketing cloud videos are like mini-movies that somehow ended up in a business meeting! They're not just selling software; they're creating a whole cinematic experience. It's like they took Hollywood and dropped it into the world of marketing.

These videos totally nail it when it comes to grabbing your attention. They understand what marketers are going through and show how their product can be the hero of your marketing story. It's like watching a trailer for an epic adventure, but instead of saving the world, you're saving your sales.

Making videos like this is no joke. You need a whole team of creative geniuses and a budget that could rival a blockbuster movie. But the results are worth it. These videos are still amazing, even though they're a few years old. That's the real test of a great video – it stands the test of time.

8. TripAdvisor: Less is More

So, you've got this awesome product and you want to introduce a new feature. Easier said than done, right? You gotta explain what's new without confusing people. TripAdvisor nailed it.

They already had a thing going with helping people find places to stay, and now they're helping businesses get found. Instead of overwhelming everyone with details, they kept it simple. They used some cool animations to show how the new system works, and that's it.

The best part? They made it look super easy to use. Think about it, most hotel owners aren't tech wizards. So, proving that their new tool is simple is a huge deal. TripAdvisor showed that you don't need a fancy, long video to get your point across. Sometimes, less is more.

9. Route4Gas: Spicing Up the Gas Industry

Who knew gas delivery could be this exciting? Route4Gas totally flipped the script on what a boring industry can do. Their video is like a shot of energy. It's short, sweet, and gets straight to the point. They break down a complicated process into something anyone can understand.

It's like they took gas delivery from drab to fab! The voiceover guy is a total pro, sounding super pumped about the product. It's like he's your new gas delivery guru, making the whole thing sound awesome.

This video is proof positive that you don't need a million-dollar budget to make a splash. Sometimes, a simple, smart video can pack a bigger punch than a flashy one.

10. Discord: Turning a Boring Demo into a Fun Ride

This Discord Ad flipped the script on the classic product demo. Instead of the usual snooze-fest, they turned it into a laugh-out-loud adventure. Imagine watching a regular screen recording, but then a cartoon dog pops out! That's Discord.

The person narrating the video is like the coolest tour guide ever. They crack jokes and make you feel like you're hanging out with a friend, not watching a sales pitch. It's like they totally get their audience and know exactly how to talk to them.

Discord didn't just show off their product; they showed off their personality. It's a masterclass in making something boring, like software, into something fun and engaging. They proved that you can teach people about your product without putting them to sleep.

SAAS Explainer Video Production: Best Practices in Creating Effective Videos 

We've showcased a variety of impressive SaaS explainer videos, each with its unique strengths. However, they all share a common thread: they keep viewers engaged and effectively communicate the brand message.

If you're unsure about choosing a video production partner, consider these key principles we follow:

Core Principles for Effective SaaS Explainer Videos

  1. Keep it Simple: Avoid cluttering your video with unnecessary information. Focus on clear, concise messaging.
  2. One Message, One Video: Concentrate on a single key idea to maximize impact and memorability.
  3. Know Your Audience: Deeply understand your target audience to tailor the video effectively.
  4. Address Pain Points: Connect your product to your audience's problems for stronger engagement.
  5. Align with Your Sales Funnel: Ensure the video fits seamlessly into your overall marketing strategy.
  6. Visual Appeal: Create visually stunning content that resonates with your audience.
  7. Clear Call to Action: Guide viewers toward the desired next step with a compelling CTA.

By following these principles, you can create SaaS explainer videos that not only inform but also inspire and convert.

Wrapping Up!

So, there you have it! A glimpse into the world of exceptional SaaS explainer videos. From the simplicity of Dropbox to the creativity of Discord, these examples showcase the power of video storytelling in the SaaS industry.

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